Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Motrin is my Friend

We had fun stuff planned today (activities, den meeting at the pool...I am the Bear Den-mother) but at 3 am the baby had other plans!!! Fevers are a feared sickness in my family(my children are susceptible to febrile seizures). So my job was keeping his fever down and keeping fluids in him (which he refused to take). It was so sad to see him so sickly.
My husband thinks that he is teething (let's hope so , so that this will end soon).
The kids made do with video games, movies, computer games and webkinz. The baby was all consuming so they were pretty much on their own. I kept thinking...When the baby sleeps we can do something...but he slept so little and so restlessly that it didn't happen.
In the evening when all was quiet, I passed my medical staff to my hubby and started Family Search indexing. I read through the tutorials and started. It is pretty cool to see the census takers hand writing, and a little of who they were.
Tomorrow is another hopeful day of doing at least one fun thing, learning one new thing and doing what I love..spending time with my family!!!

1 comment:

KickButtMommy said...

Hope Jack Jack is better soon!