Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Taking Care of A Sicky!!!

My poor baby son does not photograph well when he is sleeping. He looks dead every time I try to take a picture of him sleeping!!! He's had a fever on and off all night long and today! We've been in and out of the bath trying to cool him off, followed by the maximum amount of Motrin he can take! Tylenol has no effect on the other kids but I am going to see and hope it works on him so I can do a Tylenol-Motrin regimen to see if that helps keep the fever at bay! When there is a time he sleep long enough I am going to try and make some cute and easy American Girl Doll outfits with my girls. I'll keep my fingers crossed so I will be able to post something tomorrow!


Nikki said...

I hope he feels better soon! I had a sickie last week, fever and vomiting. It's no fun. Good Luck!

Olsen's 7 said...

It's not vomitting but the fever got up to 103!!! He's doing better now!